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Growing Leucophyllum frutescens:
Texas Sage

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Form: Shrub.
Leaf retention: Evergreen but cold deciduous.
Growth rate: Rapid.
Mature Size: 6-8' (1.8-2.4m) high and wide.
Flowers: Purple, pink or white, tubular with lobed lips.
Bloom: Sporadically, spring through fall, in conjunction with rains.
Fruit: A small seed capsule.
Leaves: Small, soft, covered with fine, silvery hairs, gray to greenish, oval with a slightly pointed tip, smooth margins. The leaves on this "sage" are not culinary nor palatable.
Stems: Smooth gray bark, no thorns.
Wildlife: The flowers attract bees. The foliage is avoided by browsing mammals.
Toxic / Danger: No.
Origin: Native to Texas and Mexico.

Cultivation and Uses
USDA hardiness zones: 8-11.
Heat tolerant: Yes, even reflected heat.
Drought tolerant: Yes.
Sun: Full sun. It becomes leggy in part shade.
Soil: Well draining, dry, low organic content, pH 6.6-8.5 (neutral to alkaline). Do not fertilize to avoid legginess.
Water once established: Deep water once a month. The soil must dry out between waterings. Leucophyllum frutescens is prone to root rot in damp soil.
Mulch: No. The soil should dry as quickly as possible.
Planting: This plant can be grown in a large container with drainage holes.
Prune: In mid to late winter, before flower buds appear, remove less than one-third of the top growth. Use a hand cutter, not shears, for the best results. Sheared plants have few to no flowers. Allow the plant to grow 'spiky' for the best flower production. This plant responds well to pruning.
This is not an appropriate plant for topiary.
Disinfect cutting tools before pruning, by using 70-100% isopropyl alcohol before and between each plant, to avoid spreading plant diseases.
Litter: Low.
Propagation: Cuttings and seed.
Uses: Ornamental, hedge.

Texas Sage is a member of the Figwort family (Scrophulariaceae) and not a true sage (Salvia) which are members of the mint family (Lamiaceae). Other common names are Texas Ranger, Purple Sage, and Cenizo. This plant loves heat, humid weather and dry soil.
Leucophyllum laevigatum: Chihuahuan sage is related and similar in appearance.

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Leucophyllum frutescens: Texas Sage - flowers

Leucophyllum frutescens: Texas Sage shrub

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