Garden Oracle / Drought and Heat Tolerant Gardening / Tucson - Phoenix - Arizona - California

Growing Asclepias linaria:
Pineneedle Milkweed

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Form: A subshrub with herbaceous stems that become woody from the bottom up with age.
Lifespan: Perennial.
Leaf retention: Evergreen above 25°F.
Growth rate: Moderate.
Mature Size: 2-3' high and wide.
Flowers: Small, clustered, white flowers.
Bloom: Spring, summer and fall.
Fruit: A tear-shaped seed capsule containing plumed seeds.
Leaves: Green, in the shape of pine needles.
Stems: No thorns.
Wildlife: This plant attracts butterflies. It is a caterpillar food plant for Queen and Monarch butterflies.
Toxic / Danger: This plant is slightly poisonous and its sap is a skin irritant.
Origin: Native to California through New Mexico and Mexico.

Cultivation and Uses
USDA hardiness zones: 9-11.
Heat tolerant: Yes.
Drought tolerant: Yes.
Sun: Full sun to afternoon shade (recommended).
Water once established: Deep water two or three times a month.
Soil: Well drained, pH 6.6-8.5 (neutral to alkaline).
First Year Care: These plants need daily water to become established after planting.
Litter: Low.
Propagation: Seed.
Uses: Ornamental, low water garden, butterfly garden.

This plant is a member of the Dogbane family (Apocynaceae). Queen butterflies are among many butterfly species attracted to the flowers of this plant.

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Asclepias linaria: Pineneedle Milkweed - flower

Asclepias linaria: Pineneedle Milkweed - with butterflies

Asclepias linaria: Pineneedle Milkweed - fruit

Asclepias linaria: Pineneedle Milkweed - seeds

Asclepias linaria: Pineneedle Milkweed plant

Latest update: April, 2020
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