Garden Oracle / Drought and Heat Tolerant Gardening / Tucson - Phoenix - Arizona - California

Growing Conoclinium greggii:
Gregg's Mistflower

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Form: Herb.
Lifespan: Perennial.
Growth rate: Moderate.
Mature Size: 1-2' (30-60cm) high.
Flowers: Each flower head is rayless and has many blue to purple disk florets with long threadlike stigmas that provide an overall fluffy appearance.
Bloom: Spring through fall.
Fruit: Tiny, tufted seeds.
Leaves: Green, finely divided.
Stems: Long, weak, green to brownish. No thorns.
Roots: This plant spreads by rhizomes to form colonies. It is not overly invasive and is easily eradicated.
Wildlife: It attracts butterflies and bees. Male Queen and Monarch butterflies are drawn to this plant and use a chemical in its nectar to attract females. It is most attractive to butterflies when it is partly shaded. This plant is browsed by mammals; enclose within a rabbit proof fence 18" (50cm) high.
Toxic / Danger: No.
Origin: Arizona through Texas and Mexico.

Cultivation and Uses
USDA hardiness zones: 7-10.
Heat tolerant: Yes.
Drought tolerant: Yes.
Sun: Full sun to part shade. More flowers are produced in part shade, especially afternoon shade, during the hottest months of the year.
Water once established: Low water in part shade or moderate water in full sun.
Soil: pH 6.6-7.8 (neutral to slightly alkaline). This desert plant is often found alongside dry stream beds.
Mulch: Organic mulch or small rock pebbles are appropriate.
Prune: Cut back in winter or cut to the ground after freezing temperatures are past. Pull out to eradicate.
Litter: Low.
Propagation: Seed or root division. This plant reseeds in favorable conditions.
Uses: Butterfly garden.

This plant is a member of the Aster family (Asteraceae). Look carefully, and you will see four Queen butterflies in the center picture.

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Conoclinium greggii: Gregg's Mistflower - flowers

Conoclinium greggii: Gregg's Mistflower - with butterflies

Conoclinium greggii: Gregg's Mistflower

Latest update: March, 2024
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