Form: Shrub.
Leaf retention: Evergreen.
Growth rate: Slow to moderate depending on water.
Mature Size: 2-3' (60-90cm) high and 3-4' (90-120cm) wide.
Flowers: Purple to blue, tubular, 1" (2.5cm) long, resembling Texas Sage.
Bloom: Winter.
Fruit: Tiny, hairy, seed capsules.
Leaves: Silver-green, lance-shaped, soft, fuzzy.
Stems: No thorns.
Roots: This plant is sometimes grafted onto Myoporum species rootstock.
Wildlife: The flowers attract bees, large butterflies, and hummingbirds.
Toxic / Danger: No.
Origin: Australia.
Cultivation and Uses
USDA hardiness zones: 8-11. Tip damage at 17°F (-8°C).
Heat tolerant: Yes.
Drought tolerant: Yes. This plant does not do well in regions with high humidity.
Sun: Full sun.
Soil: Well draining, dry, low organic content, pH 6.6-8.5 (neutral to alkaline).
Water after becoming established: Deep soak monthly to help the roots grow deeper.
Do not water more than once every two weeks, taking rainfall into account.
Mulch: Gravel or bare soil. It may do better without gravel.
First Year Care: Water lightly every day except after rain. Do not use mulch, not even
gravel, so the surrounding soil will dry out quickly.
Planting: This plant can be grown in a container.
Prune: Cut away frost damaged branches after the danger of freezing is past. Trim only
lightly to shape.
Litter: Low.
Propagation: Cuttings.
Uses: Ornamental, low water (xeriscape) garden, hummingbird garden.
This plant is a member of the Figwort family (Scrophulariaceae).
Another name for this plant is Blue Emu Bush.
It is sometimes mistaken for a Leucophyllum (Texas Sage) species.
Do you have additional information or a different experience for these plants that you would
like to share? Email All contributions are welcome and appreciated.