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Growing Parkinsonia florida:
Blue Palo Verde

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Form: Tree.
Lifespan: 20-40 years.
Leaf retention: Drought and cold deciduous.
Growth rate: Slow to moderate.
Mature Size: 25' (7.6m) high and wide.
Flowers: Five vivid yellow petals, edible.
Bloom: Spring.
Fruit: A bean pod, flat, thin, with pointed ends.
Leaves: Small, blue-green, oval leaflets, larger than those of Yellow Palo Verde. The leaves will drop to prevent water loss when the tree is exposed to drought. This tree provides light filtered shade.
Stems: The smooth blue-green bark provides photosynthesis which decreases with the age of the stem. Short thorns are present at leaf nodes. Gray scars tend to accumulate on the lower trunk as it ages.
Roots: Nitrogen-fixing*.
Wildlife: The flowers attract bees and hummingbirds. The seed pods attract birds and small mammals. Larger mammals browse the foliage.
Toxic / Danger: Small thorns.
Origin: California, Nevada, Arizona and Mexico.

Cultivation and Uses
USDA hardiness zones: 8-10.
Heat tolerant: Yes.
Drought tolerant: Yes.
Sun: Full sun.
Soil: Well draining, dry, low in organic content, pH 5.6-8.5 (acidic to alkaline). *Do not use a nitrogen fertilizer.
Water after becoming established: Deep water monthly, taking rainfall into account. Supplemental water causes faster growth but leads to weaker wood and may reduce the lifespan of the tree.
Prune: Remove dead branches, mistletoe and witches' broom after flowering. In warm weather only, remove the lowest branches early to train into a tree shape. Disinfect cutting tools before pruning, by wiping with 70-100% isopropyl alcohol before and between each plant, to avoid spreading plant diseases.
Litter: Flower and seed pods in spring.
Propagation: Seed, scarified and soaked.
Pests: Larvae of the palo verde root borer (Derobrachus geminatus) feed on this tree. They grow up to 4 inches in length. No chemical treatment is effective; a healthy tree is the best defense. Mistletoe should be removed quickly.
Uses: Ornamental, culinary. The fresh flowers can be added to salads or cooked. The soft young beans can be cooked and eaten. The dry beans can be ground into flour and cooked with other ingredients.

This plant is a member of the Legume family (Fabaceae). Its scientific synonym is Cercidium floridum.
This is the first palo verde to bloom in the spring. It needs more water than the Yellow Palo Verde, performs best below 4000 feet elevation, and may require more pruning.

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Parkinsonia florida: Blue Palo Verde - flower

Parkinsonia florida: Blue Palo Verde - seed pod

Parkinsonia florida: Blue Palo Verde - leaves

Parkinsonia florida: Blue Palo Verde - trunk

Parkinsonia florida: Blue Palo Verde - trunk

Parkinsonia florida: Blue Palo Verde tree in bloom

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