Acalypha anemioides:
Round Copperleaf
Round to heart-shaped, green to gray-green leaves.
Tiny, fuzzy, red to pink flowers.
Dalea capitata:
Lemon Dalea
Bright yellow, clustered flowers.
Oenothera hartwegii:
Hartweg's Sundrops
Bright yellow flowers.
Oenothera speciosa:
Evening Primrose
White to pink fragrant flowers.
Thymophylla pentachaeta:
Golden Dyssodia
Yellow daisy-like flowers in abundance. Lacy green leaves.
Verbena aristigera:
Moss Verbena
Pink, purple or white flowers in rounded clusters. Aromatic,
lacey green leaves.
Verbena gooddingii:
Southwestern Mock Vervain
Hemispherical clusters of purple to pink flowers.
Achillea millefolium:
Tiny flowers in flat clusters, white, red, pink, orange or yellow.
Buchloe dactyloides: Buffalo Grass
Carissa macrocarpa:
Natal Plum
Evergreen leaves, edible red fruit.
Cephalophyllum alstonii:
'Red Spike' Ice Plant
A succulent with red flowers.
Cynodon dactylon: Bermuda Grass
Dolichandra unguis-cati:
Cats Claw Vine
A vine with large yellow flowers capable of covering a wide area.
Epilobium canum:
California Fuchsia
Reddish-orange flowers in clusters.
Gazania rigens:
Large flowers in vivid colors.
Lobelia laxiflora:
Mexican Lobelia
Orange-red tubular flowers with yellow throats.
Lonicera japonica:
Japanese Honeysuckle
Fragrant white flowers, aging to light yellow.
Malephora luteola:
Rocky Point Ice Plant
Yellow flowers, succulent leaves and stems.
Mesembryanthemum cordifolium:
Baby Sun Rose
Succulent leaves and small red flowers.
Rosa banksiae:
Lady Banks' Rose
A vine-like shrub. Large clusters of medium-small
white or yellow flowers with slight fragrance.
Zinnia grandiflora:
Rocky Mountain Zinnia
Yellow flowers with orange eyes.
Atriplex canescens:
Fourwing Saltbush
A wildlife plant.
Calliandra eriophylla:
Pink, powder-puff flowers.
Dodonaea viscosa:
Florida Hop Bush
Papery, winged seed capsules.
Encelia farinosa:
Yellow flowers with orange to brown centers and sliver, blue-green leaves.
Eriogonum fasciculatum:
California buckwheat
White to pale pink, fluffy flowers at tips of stalks.
Fallugia paradoxa:
Apache Plume
White flowers with yellow centers.
Feathery, pink, seed head plumes.
Opuntia genus:
Prickly Pear Cactus
Large red and yellow flowers. Wide pads and shallow
roots for erosion control on banks and slopes.
Pyracantha coccinea: Scarlet Firethorn A thorny evergreen shrub with showy white flowers and brightly colored berries.
Rhus trilobata:
Three Leaf Sumac
Red berries attract wildlife. Branches used for baskets and wreaths.