Aloysia gratissima:
Tiny white flowers clustered on spikes with a strong vanilla smell.
Anisacanthus quadrifidus var. wrightii:
Flame Acanthus
Reddish-orange, tubular flowers. Extra hardy during drought and heat.
Anisacanthus thurberi:
Thurber's Desert Honeysuckle
Dark orange to red, tubular flowers.
Asclepias linaria:
Pineneedle Milkweed
Clustered small white flowers on long stems with pine needle leaves.
Bauhinia lunarioides:
Anacacho Orchid Tree
Fragrant white to pinkish flowers.
Fragrant yellow flowers and holly-like leaves.
Buddleja marrubiifolia:
Woolly Butterfly Bush
Ball-shaped clusters of orange flowers.
Caesalpinia pulcherrima:
Red Bird of Paradise
Elaborate flowers with yellow, orange and red petals.
Calliandra californica:
Baja Fairy Duster
Bright red, clustered stamens resembling miniature dusters.
Calliandra eriophylla:
Pink, powder-puff flowers.
Carissa macrocarpa:
Natal Plum
An evergreen shrub with fragrant, white flowers, edible red fruit, and dark green leaves
in overlapping clusters.
Desert Lilac
An evergreen shrub with clusters of tiny white or blue flowers and a strong lilac scent.
Chrysactinia mexicana:
An evergreen shrub covered with fragrant, yellow, daisies.
Cordia parvifolia:
Little Leaf Cordia
White flowers in clusters.
Dalea frutescens:
Black Dalea
Rose-purple flowers in short spikes.
Dalea pulchra:
Indigo Bush
Clustered purple flowers.
Dermatophyllum secundiflorum:
Texas Mountain Laurel
An evergreen shrub or small tree producing fragrant, violet-blue flowers in drooping
White seedpods persist for months.
Dodonaea viscosa:
An evergreen shrub with papery, winged seed capsules.
Ebenopsis ebano:
Texas Ebony
Creamy yellow, fragrant flowers.
Encelia farinosa:
Yellow flowers with orange to brown centers and sliver, blue-green leaves.
Eremophila glabra:
Emu Bush
An evergreen shrub with red tubular flowers.
Eremophila hygrophana:
Blue Bells / Blue Emu Bush
An evergreen shrub with blue tubular flowers that bloom most of the year.
Eremophila maculata:
Spotted Emu Bush
A winter-blooming, evergreen shrub with red tubular flowers.
Ericameria laricifolia:
Turpentine Bush
An evergreen shrub covered with yellow flowers in the fall.
Eriogonum fasciculatum:
California buckwheat
An evergreen shrub topped by white to pale pink fluffy flowers.
Erythrina flabelliformis:
Clusters of red, tubular flowers on long stalks.
Erythrostemon gilliesii:
Bird-of-Paradise Bush
Yellow flowers with long red stamens.
Erythrostemon mexicanus:
Mexican Bird of Paradise
Flowers with yellow petals and yellow stamens.
Fallugia paradoxa:
Apache Plume
White flowers, with yellow centers, followed by feathery, pink, plumed seeds.
Fouquieria splendens:
Orange to red flowers clustered at top of very spiny, tall green canes.
Gossypium harknessii:
San Marcos Hibiscus
Five red dots inside large, cup-shaped, pale yellow flowers.
Guaiacum coulteri:
Clustered blue flowers in spring.
Heteromeles arbutifolia:
Toyon / Christmas Berry
Evergreen, with clustered white flowers and red berries.
Hyptis emoryi:
Desert Lavender
Tiny, clustered, purple flowers among fragrant, lavender scented leaves.
Justicia californica:
Reddish tubular flowers and blue-green, succulent-like stems.
Justicia spicigera:
Mexican honeysuckle
Clusters of orange, tubular flowers.
Lantana camara:
Small flowers, in rounded clusters of various colors.
Lantana montevidensis:
Trailing Lantana
Small purple flowers in rounded clusters.
Larrea tridentata:
Creosote Bush
An evergreen shrub with small yellow flowers and shiny green, resinous leaves.
Leucophyllum frutescens:
Texas Sage / Texas Ranger
Purple, pink or white flowers amid green to silver leaves.
Lycium brevipes:
Baja Desert-thorn
Tiny white to purple flowers with red berries and thorns.
Melaleuca citrina:
Crimson Bottlebrush
An evergreen shrub with large, red, bottlebrush flowers and lemon-scented leaves.
Myrtus communis:
An evergreen shrub or small tree with an exotic leaf pattern and fragrant white to
cream flowers.
Nerium oleander:
An evergreen shrub or small tree with flowers that bloom spring through fall in a
choice of colors.
Pinus edulis:
Pinyon Pine
A slow-growing, long-lived, ornamental pine shrub that starts bearing pine nuts after 25
Pistacia lentiscus:
Mastic Tree
An attractive, slow growing, hardy, low maintenance, evergreen shrub.
Poliomintha maderensis:
Lavender Spice
An evergreen shrub with fragrant, clustered, purple to white tubular flowers. Extra
hardy during heat, drought and freezing temperatures.
Prunus ilicifolia:
Hollyleaf Cherry
An evergreen shrub or small tree with holly-like leaves, edged with soft spines,
producing red cherries in summer.
Punica granatum:
A tree or shrub with highly ornamental flowers and fruit. Extra hardy during drought
and heat.
Pyracantha coccinea: Scarlet Firethorn A thorny evergreen shrub with showy white flowers and brightly colored berries.
Rhus ovata:
Sugar Bush
An evergreen shrub with shiny green leaves. Red buds open into small, clustered white
Rhus trilobata:
Three Leaf Sumac
Edible, reddish berries on soft, bendable stems.
Rhus virens:
Evergreen Sumac
An evergreen shrub with leathery green leaflets. Small white flowers are followed by
clustered orange to red fruit.
Rosa banksiae:
Lady Banks' Rose
A vine-like shrub. Large clusters of medium-small white or yellow roses with a slight fragrance.
Ruellia californica subsp. peninsularis:
Desert Ruellia
Blue or purple, trumpet-shaped flowers.
Salvia clevelandii:
Cleveland Sage
Fragrant, gray-green leaves and blue trumpet-shaped flowers.
Salvia greggii:
Autumn Sage
Red flowers attract hummingbirds and butterflies. Extra hardy during drought and heat.
Salvia rosmarinus:
An evergreen shrub with needle-like, aromatic green leaves.
Small, clustered, pale blue flowers are a bee magnet.
Senna artemisioides:
Silver Senna
An evergreen shrub with clustered yellow flowers in winter and spring.
Simmondsia chinensis:
An evergreen shrub for a xeric garden.
Tagetes lemmonii:
Lemmon's Marigold
Aromatic leaves and yellow flowers with orange centers.
Tecoma stans:
Yellow Bells
Yellow bell-like flowers 2" long.
Tecomaria capensis:
Cape Honeysuckle
Orange trumpet flowers and interesting patterned foliage.
Teucrium fruticans:
Bush Germander
An evergreen shrub with blue flowers and silver-blue leaves.
Vauquelinia californica:
Arizona Rosewood
An evergreen shrub or small tree with clusters of small white flowers.
= Wildlife unfriendly.